
1. Support the topic, give reasons why

2. Examples

3. Connect to literature

4. Better word choice

5. Transitions between paragraphs

6. Order of Paragraphs

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Be Yourself

Have you ever had friend that had a dream of becoming famous? Well Elaine Hamilton from the book Dear Julia has. Elaine doesn’t have very many friends, but this year in school she met a new girl named Lucida. She has always dreamed of being famous, and she will do anything to become well known.  Lucida is also one of those girls that I never happy with anything, and she isn't even happy with herself.  Trying to become someone that you know you can never be is a bad idea, it ruins who you are as a person.

Elaine and Lucida have developed a very good friendship. They each live to very different lifestyles.  Lucida has a family of moms, and she is kind of embarrassed of that. She is very outgoing, and always up for a new challenge. School productions are one of the things she's involved in. I think she does that to try and get a better chance of becoming famous. Everything that Lucida does is always so dramatic and it's always like she has to put on a show. No one does that unless that are trying to get attention, or they are unhappy with themselves. Elaine on the other-hand is just the opposite. She doesn't want all eyes on her. She is a more family orientated person, she'd rather spend time with family and be at home then be out with friends every weekend. Also since cooking is basically her number one passion, she dedicates a lot of her free time in the kitchen trying out new recipes and things.

Lucida is a happy person when she is out with her friends and in public, but behind the scenes it seems like she isn't happy with the person that she really is. If you want to become famous, I understand that, but most people in general don't spend a lot of time in their life figuring out ways that they can become famous. Another  thing that's a little different about Lucida and her family is that she has two moms. I think that's something she's a little bit embarrassed of especially when she goes to her other friends houses and they each have a mom and a dad. But no matter if you have a different type of family or not, you shouldn't be embarrassed of that because everyone is unique in there own ways.

The sad part for people that aren't happy in life is that they aren't living their life up to its full potential. When you are happy with yourself, your days are better and you're a much more fun person to be around. The best thing is don't let other people get to you, I mean you are the person that you think you are and you can  be whoever you want to be. Just accept who you are and enjoy your life.

In Dear Julia, Lucida isn't happy with who she really is. That really brings her down in life, and no one should have to live their life trying to be someone they really aren't. The best thing you can do is just accept who you are as a person, and not try and become someone that you really aren't because that ruins who you are as a person.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Yes Ma'am Poems

 Authors Note: I decided to create 2 poems. One describing Mrs. Jones and the other describing Roger. I would like feedback on if I was descriptive enough.

Mrs. Jones
Large woman, with a big purse.
Very Intimidating to Roger and other people. 
Not afraid of people. 
Wise with how she handles things. 
Financially stable, with money to spare. 
Doesn't waste anything.

A teenage boy, struggling to survive.
Poor… he afford a pair of blue suede shoes.
Lonely, his family isn't ever around.
Hungry, he hasn’t eaten in a while.
Made a mistake by trying to steal Mrs. Jones purse.

Dear Julia Predictions

Authors Note: This piece is for my conference. It is about the book Dear Julia and I made predictions about what I think is going to happen throughout this book.

Have you ever wanted to meet someone special? Maybe it was someone like Justin Bieber or was it a pro athlete? In the book Dear Julia, Elaine Hamilton has always wanted to meet Julia Childs, the French chef. She is her cooking inspiration, and Elaine uses all her tips when she is cooking too.

Throughout the first part of this book, Elaine has been cooking a lot. She has been using a lot of Julia's cooking tips. If Elaine ever has a question about something that Julia says to do while cooking, she sends her a letter about it. Julia hasn't replied to any of her letters yet. My prediction is that by the end of the book Julia is going to reply to one of her letters and also I think they are going to meet somehow. The reason I think Julia is going to reply is because Elaine has already sent her so many letters, eventually she is going to reply to one of them. Or Elaine might get a chance to cook something with Julia, like a cooking lesson or something.  This book seems to follow a comedy so far. Elaine has a pretty normal life at the beginning, she has a family, but the one sad thing about her life is that she doesn’t have a relationship with her mom.  But then once she meets her new friend Lucida she starts to have some mini conflicts. Lucida spends all her time trying to find ways to become famous, but Elaine on the other hand spends most of her time in the kitchen cooking.

Elaine and Lucida are going to have a very interesting journey through this book. While Elaine focuses on cooking and Lucida puts all her time and effort into trying to find ways to become famous. But we'll see if there friendship lasts, and if Elaine and her inspiration, Julia Childs end up meeting.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Authors Note: My goal for this piece was to write a creative story using dialogue and voice.

The day had arrived, the day that Morgan and Ben were getting married. All the preparations were made, and everything was finally ready.

Church service was at one, and the dinner started at five. It was seven thirty am and Morgan was just getting out of bed. "OH NO" she yelled, I only have thirty minutes until my hair appointment. She rushed to get dressed, and then ran down the stairs to grab something to eat. A short five minutes later she was in the car driving to the hair salon where she was going to meet all her bridesmaids.At seven fifty nine she was there, and ready to get her appointment started. When she walked in, everyone else was already there including her bridesmaids and her mom and sister. Immediately her mom, Wendy, said "Morgan why are you so late" and she replied "Sorry mom, but I over slept."

Everyone started getting called over to get there hair done. Each girl got a different style, but everyone's hair looked really cute. Once all the Bridesmaids had their hair done, they came over by Morgan to see what she was getting done. "Awww Morgan your hair is adorable" said he friend Rachel.

Thirty minutes later.... everyone's hair and makeup is done and they are leaving the salon. Next stop beach.

"OMG mom I'm so nervous"

"You look beautiful"

"Thank you" (HUG)

Caribbean music being played as she walks down the isle.

While Morgan is walking down the isle with her dad by her side, she is thinking to herself " Wow what does Ben think of me"

His breath caught as he saw her standing there, sunlight dancing in his eyes.

She had reached  the end of the isle. "You look stunning" said Ben.

45 minutes later..... 

 "And I now Pronounce you Husband and Wife"

Audience claps.... YAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE END............



Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Michael Obi

Have you ever met someone that is a "Know it All?" Sometimes it's the really intelligent people that think they always know everything. I  mean no doubt their smart, but everyone is wrong about something, sometime. What about this, do you know of a time when maybe you wanted to get rid of something, but you really didn't know the value of the item? Michael Obi from  Dead Mens Path, got caught in a really bad situation where he didn't know what he was getting himself into.

Michael just got hired to be headmaster at a school. When he started the job, he had good intentions of turning the school into a better place. Obviously he would have to make some big changes in the way the school is run, and possibly the appearance. In his quest to better the school,  he thought that it would be best if he closed on of the paths near the school. Little did he know that this path was like tradition, it had been there forever. He put up barricades in front of it so people couldn't walk on the path. The people in the town, and also the people from the school were very displeased with Michaels actions. Michael was very ignorant to the way the people felt about this, and also what he was doing by taking down the path. That path was very important, and since he didn't want it there that's kind of like a loss for the people. Since Michael was so ignorant, something kind of bad ends up happening to him. You know what they say, "What goes around comes around." The towns people decided to trash his school in order to try and get the path back. If only Michael would've realized that what he was doing was bad, he wouldn't have all these bad things happening to him. But that wasn't the only bad thing that happened to Michael Obi.

Since Michael was doing all these bad things, that the people didn't agree with, he ended up getting a bad evaluation. The lesson learned is that you definitely want to make sure you really know what you're doing before you start, and also be aware about how other people might be effected by your actions.

Basketball Poem

 Biggest game of the year.
State championship.
 A moment most players wait for throughout their whole high school career. 
  Gym is full to capacity. 
  There's a change in the atmosphere.
Stay focused. 
 Play the game.

TWEET TWEET, the ref just blew his whistle.
Players walk back on the court.
"Break" yelled the player, and the play began. 
Time is being wasted, only eight seconds left in the game. 
Players  struggle to get open.
The ball is passed in.
The basketball is soaring for the hoop. 
Swisshhhhhhhhh he makes the three. 
Pewaukee wins against Eisenhower, 58-59.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Basketball Championship

Authors Note: This is a piece for that I wrote for word choice. I would like feedback on if I used good word choice.

It’s the biggest game of the year, state championship, the moment most players wait for throughout their whole high school career. When the gym is full to capacity it changes the atmosphere, and you’re playing for the biggest game of the year, it adds a lot of tension. But that’s when you have to stay focused, and just play the game.

TWEET TWEET, the ref just blew his whistle after the final timeout. 1,2,3 Pirates, “Let’s run the play right” yelled the coach, as the players were walking back on the court. White ball, the ref said; break, the player slapped the ball and the play began. Everyone immediately started moving to their spot on the court, and finally the ball was passed in. The clock started ticking and the fans were starting to yell a little louder. There is only eight seconds left on the clock, there’s only one chance to win this game, the score was 58 to 59 they need a three to win. All the players were struggling to get open for the winning shot, the clock was at 5 seconds and finally one player got the ball and shot a three, swishhhhhh!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO the players all race on the court, and jump on top of each other because they have just won the biggest game of the season! Final score Pewaukee 60 and Eisenhower 59. “Now let’s award our new 2012 state champions, the Pewaukee Pirates!” WOOT- WOOT-WOOT-WOOT all the players are in a circle jumping around.