
1. Support the topic, give reasons why

2. Examples

3. Connect to literature

4. Better word choice

5. Transitions between paragraphs

6. Order of Paragraphs

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dear Julia Predictions

Authors Note: This piece is for my conference. It is about the book Dear Julia and I made predictions about what I think is going to happen throughout this book.

Have you ever wanted to meet someone special? Maybe it was someone like Justin Bieber or was it a pro athlete? In the book Dear Julia, Elaine Hamilton has always wanted to meet Julia Childs, the French chef. She is her cooking inspiration, and Elaine uses all her tips when she is cooking too.

Throughout the first part of this book, Elaine has been cooking a lot. She has been using a lot of Julia's cooking tips. If Elaine ever has a question about something that Julia says to do while cooking, she sends her a letter about it. Julia hasn't replied to any of her letters yet. My prediction is that by the end of the book Julia is going to reply to one of her letters and also I think they are going to meet somehow. The reason I think Julia is going to reply is because Elaine has already sent her so many letters, eventually she is going to reply to one of them. Or Elaine might get a chance to cook something with Julia, like a cooking lesson or something.  This book seems to follow a comedy so far. Elaine has a pretty normal life at the beginning, she has a family, but the one sad thing about her life is that she doesn’t have a relationship with her mom.  But then once she meets her new friend Lucida she starts to have some mini conflicts. Lucida spends all her time trying to find ways to become famous, but Elaine on the other hand spends most of her time in the kitchen cooking.

Elaine and Lucida are going to have a very interesting journey through this book. While Elaine focuses on cooking and Lucida puts all her time and effort into trying to find ways to become famous. But we'll see if there friendship lasts, and if Elaine and her inspiration, Julia Childs end up meeting.

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