
1. Support the topic, give reasons why

2. Examples

3. Connect to literature

4. Better word choice

5. Transitions between paragraphs

6. Order of Paragraphs

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Tell-Tale Heart

One night you’re sleeping in bed. Then you wake up and hear someone in your room. You know that you haven’t done anything wrong, so you’re really scared as to what’s going on. A while later dead, for no reason, wait what about because of the way your eye looked. The guy in The Tell- Tale Heart who killed the old man was absolutely insane!

Have you ever heard of someone killing another person because of their eye? I’ve never heard of such thing. In this case if the guy was really disturbed by the old man’s eye, he could have just told him to wear an eye patch or something. Or he could’ve just not looked at the eye. Any normal person would probably try and find a solution other thank killing the person.

If someone is formulating a plan to kill another person, it wouldn’t take a sane person eight days to put it in action. In The Tell-Tale Heart it took the guy so long to finally kill the old man, because he was scared to get caught. In this case maybe he should’ve considered not killing the old man. I mean honestly who would really do something this stupid?

No one gets so annoyed with someone because of their eye. If the old man’s eye bugged him that much he should’ve done something about it before it became such an issue. I wonder if this guy really had no other issues with the old man.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Are you proud of your country?

I am proud of my country, but there are things happening in America that I don't like. Every time I'm going through the T.V channels, I always here about crime and then people dying. We do have police here to keep us safe which is good. Also there are so many people without jobs, and the economy is very bad right now too. Hopefully in the future things will get better.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Let Us Sleep

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, oh its 5 am, time to get up. You know those days where your alarm is going off and you really just don’t feel like waking up. I have those days basically every day. Then once I get out of bed, I start to think of how wonderful school is going to be that day… NOT! All schools should start at 8:30.

School starting too early affects students in every way possible. Having to get up early is awful, and it really does affect how students perform in school on daily basis. If we started later we would be getting at least an extra hour of sleep. Also the grades on tests and all schoolwork would be tremendously better because we would be more awake during the day when we are doing the work. Lastly, students would be more motivated because we wouldn’t be tired. Teachers would have an easier time teaching the students too!

All schools need to mandate a start time later than 7:30. Many people agree that the time that we start school now is definitely way too early. This would be an excellent change for everybody. Starting school later would be beneficial to students because are grades would be better and we wouldn’t be tired like we are now. All Pewaukee students will demonstrate success when their school day starts at 8:30.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Descption of a Beach

A scorching day on the beach, the beach is packed, there isn’t a spot to be found. Everyone is running for the water the second they get there. Perfect blue, water and white, clear, sand awaits. The waves come gradually into the shoreline where people wait for the water to hit their feet. It smells of sunscreen in the air. You can hear the “Wooshing” of the waves when they hit shore.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Authors Note: For this assignment we had to write a conclusion for either an essay or a short story. I think this is an okay conclusion, because I don’t really like how it’s organized. I’d like feedback on how I could make my conclusion better next time.

Smart phones are great for getting you in touch with your friends, and the world. Another great benefit it has Wi-Fi and internet so you can search up anything anytime! Plus it has so many other features! If you want to be more connected with the world, I recommend you get a smart phone.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Sebastian is a 42 year old man, who specialized in the supernatural. However there is one problem, he doesn't believe in the supernatural. One day Sebastian was going to the 1960's Woodstock music festival. There was one problem, he passed out after the festival and has no way to return home to where he lives in California. No one wants to help him because he's a flower child.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Travis, his sister Emily, Darla who is his girlfriend, and then his friend Cooper are all friends. One day everyone was at the lake and there was a really high cliff. Travis thought that it would be cool if he dived off of it. Everyone was trying to stop him by saying he was going to get hurt, but nothing stopped him. He went up on the rock and dived off. Then when he was coming down he hurt his leg and had to go to the hospital.

Once he gets to the hospital, the doctors are doing studies and they find out that he has Cancer. To him that’s basically the end of his world. He’s the best diver on his school’s diving team and he has so much potential in this sport and now everything is about to be taken away. Darla, his girlfriend was one of the only people always by his side supporting him. Once he started chemotherapy everything went downhill.

Travis was going through chemotherapy, and then the doctors said he had to have his leg amputated. He was really depressed when he found out about this because then he really knew he couldn’t dive again. After all of this and at the same time he is very sick from his cancer treatments, he starts to think of suicide because he is sick of living this kind of life especially with hardly anyone that can understand what he’s going through. While all of this is going on he just keeps getting more weak and sick.

Before anything else can happen one morning Travis dies in the hospital. Everyone was sad but I think to some extent is was a blessing because he was having such a hard time living through everything and with a changed life. His family and friends finally had peace with everything.