
1. Support the topic, give reasons why

2. Examples

3. Connect to literature

4. Better word choice

5. Transitions between paragraphs

6. Order of Paragraphs

Monday, December 19, 2011


Authors Note: I wrote this piece to compare theme of survival in two different books. I would like feedback on if I compared the two books with enough examples. 
Throughout life, you will probably find yourself surviving through many different types of things. Maybe it’s a health issue, financial issues or anything else. I am comparing the theme of survival in two different books that I have read this year. Both books had many similarities, but they also had many differences as well. The two books I am comparing are Breathless and Give Me Liberty. Within both books I noticed a common similarity: many people have difficulties throughout life, and they have to find ways to survive through the things they are facing. 

In both books, no one understood how the main character felt as they were trying to survive.Nathaniel from Give Me Liberty felt unwanted, disliked and basically useless. Since he was a slave it was probably really hard for him to do things for his owner, Owen, because if you don’t like someone; what would make you want to do things for them? Travis from Breathless was dying of cancer. His parents wanted to send him to a different country to receive a new special treatment. All he wanted to do was die because he was already suffering due to the affects of the cancer. A lesson that I learned from reading both those books is to always look at things from a different person’s perspective, because you never know how the other person feels.

There was also another big similarity I saw in both books. Many people have anger in life, but some people have a much deeper level of anger than other people. Possibly due to something that happened in the past. Some people still have anger about something that happened ten or more years ago. Nathaniel is a disrespected young boy until he meets Basil his new master. Prior to being a slave for Basil, his master beat him and treated him with little respect. In the long run that can do bad things to someone. Having anger is a common theme because in Breathless, Travis is faced with major anger. He is basically angry with the world. I mean I probably would be mad with everyone if I found out I had cancer too. Being faced with cancer took down all his dreams .At his High School, he was the best diver and once he got his leg amputated; that was the end of his diving career. Even though reading Breathless was really sad, I really learned to be happy with my life and cherish every moment of it.

There were also some differences in theme in both books. As I read both of these books, I noticed many differences. Once of the big differences is what each character is actually surviving through. One character was surviving through cancer, and the other is living through a war period. Breathless, is a real like book; that could end up happening to anyone on any given day. Give Me Liberty couldn’t really happen right now because we don’t have slavery anymore. Nathaniel is trying to protect himself from getting shot, and on the other hand Travis is living through cancer and all the affects of it. Unfortunately one day his battle with cancer ended, when he died in the hospital.

The main things I took away from reading both books were some very deep and life changing lessons. No matter how hard life is you just have to keep fighting through it, you can never give up. That’s the most important thing. Reading these books showed me how bad other people’s life’s are and then it really made me realize how much I need to be thankful for. Next time you’re having a bad day just think that you’ll get through it, but also remember how much worse your life could be.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Conflict & Resolution

One of the conflicts in the book Give Me Liberty is when Owen and Nathaniel get into their major fight. You could tell they were going to have a “Fall Out” because Owen was never satisfied with the work that Nathaniel was putting forward. Part of the problem could have been that maybe Nathaniel really wasn’t giving his best efforts but it also could have been that Owen just simply expect way too much from him. If you set your standards too high from the start it, the outlook isn’t very good! Also prior to having Nathaniel, Owen might have had older kids and therefore they would probably be able to do a lot more work then he could.

After their fight, Nathaniel was really beat up. He looked really bad, like someone said that if it would’ve continued on Nathaniel could have died! I can’t imagine how bad that must have been. A while later, Owen really was just done with Nathaniel so he knew he needed to sell him to someone else, and that’s when Basil came in! Basil bought Nathaniel and now that is who he is working for. I think that was a good resolution to the problem because Nathaniel is a much happier person with Basil. He is treated with a lot of respect and I think that makes a big difference in how hard he would want to work for someone. In my opinion I think that was a great resolution, just the way it had to come about wasn’t good at all!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Shopping in Chicago with Patricia and Carry

Authors Note: I wrote this creative piece in class, and it is terrible, so don't judge people!!!! 

One weekend in December, Patricia was really bored because her 7 children, Bertha, Minnie, Bessie, Fred, Arthur, Edward and Henry were at their grandparents house. She normally is at home because she is a stay at home mom, so since she didn't have the kids with her she wanted to do something fun for herself. She thought that it would be really fun to take a bus to Chicago, and it makes total sense because Christmas is coming soon and she still needed to get gifts for some people. Her oldest daughter Bertha really wanted some "trendy clothes" and she knew that Chicago was the place to go!

She got in her 2001 mini van, and drove to the local park and ride where the bus was stopping for a pick up. When she got there she parked the car, and then went into the little shelter and waited for the bus to arrive. 20 minutes later the bus arrived to make the pick up and about 30 people were there to get on. Immediately Patricia was trying to figure out who she would sit by, she walked to the back of the bus where no one was sitting and then she took a seat. Everyone got seated, and the bus drove off to the next pick up. When they arrived there were only about 10 people there and one of them decided to come sit right next to Patricia. It was a 32 year old woman named Carry, she was really nice. Her and Patricia started talking on the drive, and then later became best friends!

BEEP,BEEP,BEEP, the taxi's were all honking as they entered the city. Patricia had never seen anything like this because her family lives in a small city, there is hardly anyone there, so this was a new experience. 4 hours later, the bus finally arrived at its destination, Michigan Ave. Everyone slowly got up from their seat and filed off the bus. Patricia and Carry decided that they were going to shop together. Carry wanted to go to the American Girl store, Patricia didn't even know where to start! Carry started walking towards the American Girl store and Patricia started following her along. Once they got in, they were looking around at all the amazing dolls and Patricia decided that it would be a really nice gift to get one for her youngest daughter Minnie.

To be continued….

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Point of View

Give Me Liberty is mostly being told by Nathaniel. Since he is telling the story you really get a lot of emotion because he’s a servant, and is facing a lot of hard times in his life. One event that happened was when Owen sold Nathaniel to Basil. He was explaining how they got in a fight and you could just sense the pain that he was feeling emotionally and physically. Also you were given a visual of what the fight looked like. Another time Nathaniel was explaining just how terrible it was being a servant for Owen, like when someone is expressing their feelings like that you really can connect to the character. One time Nathaniel was telling about how he was excited that Basil was going to teach him to play the German flute. When he was saying how he wanted to learn how to play the instrument and everything you could really sense the excitement he had. From Nathaniel's point of view, the reader can see how slaves lived, and they don't take things for granted.

The book would have been a lot different if it was being told in maybe Owens point of view. Now Owen was the guy that Nathaniel used to be a servant for, and from what was said in the book it sounds like they never really got along. I mean I can’t imagine having to work for someone that I don’t like and at the same time they really hate me, that would be just awful! I think the fighting scene in Owens point of view would be really bad. I’m guessing that it would have a lot of harsh words towards Nathaniel because he really didn’t like him, and then it got so bad they got into a physical fight. Then when he sold Nathaniel to Basil I think Owen would have been making comments about how happy he is to not have to deal with him anymore and probably a lot of other rude things too. But I think overall if this book was written in Owens point of view it would be a lot different.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Creative Story

A crash, like that of a window breaking, woke me with a start. It was 2am, on a Monday morning so I was really confused as to what could be going on. My first thought… OMG I'm getting robbed. I jumped out of bed and looked out the window to see if I could see anything. But I couldn't. Then I ran downstairs to see if there was a person or something in my house. I went in the kitchen, living room, and lastly the bathroom and laundry room and I didn't see anything. What a relief, it was nothing in my house. But I still needed to know what that sound was. So I walk upstairs, turn on the lights in my room and I noticed that there was a big spill of glass and water on the floor. Oh, yeah then I remember that I had a glass of water on my nightstand and it must of spilled off on the floor. All that stress for nothing, running around the whole house and then the issue was right in my own bedroom. Wow did I feel stupid! After I found the broken glass I had to pick it all up and then I put a towel down on the water so it would dry. Then I could finally go back to sleep after my minor scare.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Importance of Family

Authors Note: I wrote this piece because it was my essay for my next conference(the Outsiders theme essay). But I would like feedback on if you think that I had enough connections to The Outsiders.

Have you ever thought to yourself “Who are the people that are really there for you?” Well, wouldn’t it be family? Whenever I’m having a bad day,I know my family is always there for me. No matter how close or how far away your family is from you at the end of the day, they are always there for you.

When you are growing up, you are dependent on your parents to do everything for you. As you get older, you still have them buy stuff for you until you have a job or something, but they become a different person in your life. Your parents want to know what’s going on in your life, like all the time and I know this because my parents are always trying to get in my business. But I think that they want to know everything because they are just simply concerned about you, and they care about what you’re doing. Even though they get annoying at times, and sometimes you say that you wish you didn’t have parents, imagine what your life would be like if you didn’t have parents.

In the book that we just finished reading,The Outsiders, many characters had issues regarding their families. Johnny was abused by his parents. Because he was abused he then later ended up killing someone named Bob. So the lesson learned is the way you are raised, and the environment you grow up in effects how you are as a teen and an adult. Also there is Darry and Ponyboy. Darry is the basically like a father to Ponyboy because their parents were killed in a car accident. That would be really devastating if my parents both died, but I would probably do the same thing with my sister because I would want to stay together. There are also times when family comes together to face the harsh reality of disease in a family member.

I read another book called Breathless, and this book was about a high school boy named Travis who has cancer. His family was shocked when they found out that their brother and son had a terrible disease. Right away came together to support him, but his family actually ended up trying to push things for him too much. The doctors said that they could send him to another country to receive a different treatment, and right away his parents thought that would be a great idea. Travis started getting sicker and losing hope and he really just wanted to die. Then time went on, he never went to the other country. Sadly one day he ended up dying, probably what he wanted, but imagine how the family felt. For that family it ended really sad.

Family is something that means so much to people. When everything goes wrong, you know you can always turn to your family and they will have your back. No matter how close or how far, they are always there for you.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


The meaning of the poem is that good things don't last forever. That relates to a lot of things in life in general. But it relates to the Outiders for many reasons too. One of the big reasons could be kind of the Greasers vs. Soc thing. Like the Greasers when they were young probably were going down the wrong path, but I'm guessing they had a more enjoyable life being younger than once they get to be a teenager. And then again for the Soc this doesn't really apply because they are supposed to be better at everything.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Conflict between Soc and Greasers

One of the main conflicts in the book the Outsiders, is between the Soc and Greasers. The Greasers are the "Lower class" people, who dress differently, and have their hair greased back. The Soc are the "Upper Class" and they dress better, and just overall carry themselves better, and they probably have more money and opportunities than the Greasers. There is conflict between them because there is probably some Greasers than would rather be a Soc and are jealous of them.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Author's Note: The purpose of this piece is to explain more about Sodapop, and give more information about him. I would like feedback on if I'm summarizing.

Sodapop is a 16 going on 17, tall, athletic guy. He has 2 brothers,Pony and Darry and he is basically like a dad to them. He's a high school dropout because he wasn't a good student and he needed to work to support his family. Sodapop is a greaser because he is poor, so everyone kind of thinks he is a bad person. But actually he is a really caring and kind person, so I think he's actually really misjudged. One unique thing is that horses are his passion and no other greasers have passions, so that makes him special.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Tell-Tale Heart

One night you’re sleeping in bed. Then you wake up and hear someone in your room. You know that you haven’t done anything wrong, so you’re really scared as to what’s going on. A while later dead, for no reason, wait what about because of the way your eye looked. The guy in The Tell- Tale Heart who killed the old man was absolutely insane!

Have you ever heard of someone killing another person because of their eye? I’ve never heard of such thing. In this case if the guy was really disturbed by the old man’s eye, he could have just told him to wear an eye patch or something. Or he could’ve just not looked at the eye. Any normal person would probably try and find a solution other thank killing the person.

If someone is formulating a plan to kill another person, it wouldn’t take a sane person eight days to put it in action. In The Tell-Tale Heart it took the guy so long to finally kill the old man, because he was scared to get caught. In this case maybe he should’ve considered not killing the old man. I mean honestly who would really do something this stupid?

No one gets so annoyed with someone because of their eye. If the old man’s eye bugged him that much he should’ve done something about it before it became such an issue. I wonder if this guy really had no other issues with the old man.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Are you proud of your country?

I am proud of my country, but there are things happening in America that I don't like. Every time I'm going through the T.V channels, I always here about crime and then people dying. We do have police here to keep us safe which is good. Also there are so many people without jobs, and the economy is very bad right now too. Hopefully in the future things will get better.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Let Us Sleep

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, oh its 5 am, time to get up. You know those days where your alarm is going off and you really just don’t feel like waking up. I have those days basically every day. Then once I get out of bed, I start to think of how wonderful school is going to be that day… NOT! All schools should start at 8:30.

School starting too early affects students in every way possible. Having to get up early is awful, and it really does affect how students perform in school on daily basis. If we started later we would be getting at least an extra hour of sleep. Also the grades on tests and all schoolwork would be tremendously better because we would be more awake during the day when we are doing the work. Lastly, students would be more motivated because we wouldn’t be tired. Teachers would have an easier time teaching the students too!

All schools need to mandate a start time later than 7:30. Many people agree that the time that we start school now is definitely way too early. This would be an excellent change for everybody. Starting school later would be beneficial to students because are grades would be better and we wouldn’t be tired like we are now. All Pewaukee students will demonstrate success when their school day starts at 8:30.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Descption of a Beach

A scorching day on the beach, the beach is packed, there isn’t a spot to be found. Everyone is running for the water the second they get there. Perfect blue, water and white, clear, sand awaits. The waves come gradually into the shoreline where people wait for the water to hit their feet. It smells of sunscreen in the air. You can hear the “Wooshing” of the waves when they hit shore.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Authors Note: For this assignment we had to write a conclusion for either an essay or a short story. I think this is an okay conclusion, because I don’t really like how it’s organized. I’d like feedback on how I could make my conclusion better next time.

Smart phones are great for getting you in touch with your friends, and the world. Another great benefit it has Wi-Fi and internet so you can search up anything anytime! Plus it has so many other features! If you want to be more connected with the world, I recommend you get a smart phone.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Sebastian is a 42 year old man, who specialized in the supernatural. However there is one problem, he doesn't believe in the supernatural. One day Sebastian was going to the 1960's Woodstock music festival. There was one problem, he passed out after the festival and has no way to return home to where he lives in California. No one wants to help him because he's a flower child.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Travis, his sister Emily, Darla who is his girlfriend, and then his friend Cooper are all friends. One day everyone was at the lake and there was a really high cliff. Travis thought that it would be cool if he dived off of it. Everyone was trying to stop him by saying he was going to get hurt, but nothing stopped him. He went up on the rock and dived off. Then when he was coming down he hurt his leg and had to go to the hospital.

Once he gets to the hospital, the doctors are doing studies and they find out that he has Cancer. To him that’s basically the end of his world. He’s the best diver on his school’s diving team and he has so much potential in this sport and now everything is about to be taken away. Darla, his girlfriend was one of the only people always by his side supporting him. Once he started chemotherapy everything went downhill.

Travis was going through chemotherapy, and then the doctors said he had to have his leg amputated. He was really depressed when he found out about this because then he really knew he couldn’t dive again. After all of this and at the same time he is very sick from his cancer treatments, he starts to think of suicide because he is sick of living this kind of life especially with hardly anyone that can understand what he’s going through. While all of this is going on he just keeps getting more weak and sick.

Before anything else can happen one morning Travis dies in the hospital. Everyone was sad but I think to some extent is was a blessing because he was having such a hard time living through everything and with a changed life. His family and friends finally had peace with everything.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Cooperation Award

Now for the winner of the 2011 Cooperation Award... Papa from the Circut. Come on down, front and center on the stage. Is this a big surprise for you or what?

First before we start are discussion on your award do you prefer to be called Papa or would you like to be called something different? “Well actually I wouldn’t mind if you called my Bob.” Ok Bob, so how does it feel to have won the Cooperation Award? “It feels really good except for I don’t really know why I won?” Let’s turn to some of our audience members, and see if they can give us some help on this one. If anyone in the audience has an idea of why Bob one this award please feel free to stand up and speak.Mama do you have an idea of why your wonderful husband could’ve won this award? “Yes, I believe he won this award because he always gives up things so his kids can have the best.” Oh wow what a wonderful answer, it sounds like he is a wonderful father to his kids.

Bob back to you now; do you have anything to say now since your wife has spoken on why she thinks you’ve won this award? “I’m truly honored to have won the Cooperation Award; I never expected to win an award like this.” One question for you Bob, what does cooperation mean to you? "Cooperation means that you are willing to sacrifice for others." Thank you so much for your thoughts on cooperation.

From all of us here we really believe you were the perfect person for this award, and we are honored to give you this award. To conclude the fifth annual Cooperation Awards, all of us here hope you enjoyed our show tonight, thank you and have a good night.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Papa's Parrot

Every child would like to have a dad that works at a candy store. Think about it going to school then stopping by the store to get some candy and spending time with your dad. Those years are when parents spend the most time with their kids. But, as kids grow up they don’t like to spend time with their parents anymore. All they want is freedom to do what they want when they feel like it. Papa’s Parrot is a great short story with an outstanding message for teens.

Papa’s Parrot by Cynthia Rylant tells readers that they need to spend time with their parents before they can’t anymore. When you are little all you want to do is spend time with your parents. As you grow up things change. You would rather be with friends then with your parents. It is okay to spend time with your friends but you should still have some time in your life to be with your family. When you’re in your teens hanging out with your family is embarrassing. One reason why is that sometimes your parents and brothers and sisters will like say or do stuff to you when you are around you friends that is really embarrassing.

In the story Papa’s Parrot the main character loved being with his dad when he was young, but once he got older he did not like being around his dad as much. After something not so good happens, because the main characters dad was lonely he bought a parrot. From there on it all went downhill. The boys dad started talking to the bird and saying “Where’s Harry” and stuff like that. Later Harry’s dad got sick and had to go to the hospital, probably due to the stress of not seeing his son. This story just proves what can happen in situations like this.

This story is very touching and it has a really strong message. Anyone could benefit from reading this story. Just remember hang out with your friends, but make time for your family too.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Nobody's Perfect

Everybody makes mistakes (everybody messes up)
Everybody has those days ( everyone has a bad day here and there)
1, 2, 3, 4!

Everybody makes mistakes
Everybody has those days
Everybody knows what, what? I'm talkin? 'bout ( you all know what I’m talking about because you’ve been through it)
Everybody gets that way (everybody has bad days)

Everybody makes mistakes
Everybody has those days
Everybody knows what, what I'm talkin? 'bout
Everybody gets that way, yeah!

Sometimes I'm in a jam (sometimes you have to make choices)
I?ve gotta make a plan ( you need to figure out a plan)
It might be crazy (it might be weird)
I do it anyway ( but who cares)

No way to know for sure ( no way to tell what’s going to happen)
I figure out a cure (going to figure out a plan)
I'm patchin? up the holes ( fixing the problem)
But then it overflows ( then it ruins)

If I'm not doin' too well (if life’s not going good)
Why be so hard on myself? ( don’t be hard on yourself)

Nobody's perfect
I gotta work it
Again and again
'Til I get it right

Nobody's perfect
You live and you learn it(as you go through life you will see this is true)
And if I mess it up sometimes
Nobody's perfect

Sometimes I work a scheme
But then it flips on me
Doesn't turn out how I planned ( things don’t go as planned)
Gets stuck in quicksand

But no problem can't be solved ( problems can be solved)
Once I get involved (when someone else helps you)
I try to be delicate ( you try to be nice)
Then crash right into it ( then it doesn’t work)

But my intentions are good, yeah yeah yeah ( just wanting to help)
Sometimes just misunderstood

Nobody's perfect
I gotta work it
Again and again
'Til I get it right

Nobody's perfect
You live and you learn it
And if I mess it up sometimes

Nobody's perfect
I gotta work it
I know in time I'll find a way
Nobody's perfect

Sometimes I fix things up (only sometimes you can help)
And they fall apart again (doesn’t always work)
Nobody's perfect
I know I mix things up (can get things wrong)
But I always get it right in the end ( in the end you are right)
You know I do

Next time you feel like
It's just one of those days (having a bad day)
When you just can't seem to win (everything is going wrong)
If things don't turn out the way you planned (things aren’t turning out right)
Figure something else out (don’t let it bring you down)
Don't stay down, try again, yeah!

Everybody makes mistakes
Everybody has those days
Everybody knows what, what? I'm talkin? 'bout
Everybody gets that way

Everybody makes mistakes
Everybody has those days
Everybody knows what, what I'm talkin? 'bout
Everybody gets that way

Nobody's perfect
I gotta work it
Again and again
'Til I get it right

Nobody's perfect
You live and you learn it
And if I mess it up sometimes

Nobody's perfect
I gotta work it
I know in time I'll find a way

Nobody's perfect
You live and you learn it
'Cause everybody makes mistakes
Nobody's perfect

(Nobody's perfect)
No no
Nobody's perfect!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Have you ever imagined what it would be like to lose your house? According to CNBC news, in Nevada one in every ninety-nine households faces foreclosure every year. There are many other reasons why people can lose their house. “Home” by Gwendolyn Brooks shows people how hard their parents have to work to provide for them.

When reading the short story ‘Home” there was many connections I could make to the story. One of the things that came to my mind was that lots of people these days are losing their houses due to many reasons. Some of the reasons people lose their homes are due to illness, divorce, money issues, and the big reason, foreclosure. Many people are having some very tough economic times right now. In some cases bills are getting hard to pay, but for others they could have one or both parents unemployed because maybe they have lost their job.

When I read this story, “The Pearl” came to my mind. “The Pearl” had a very similar problem going on. Kino and his family had to leave there village because the people around them were making their life horrible. In “Home” Helen just wants to leave. I wonder what her Papa was feeling when he found out that Helen wanted to move. He worked so hard to get a nice house for his family and some of his family members don’t even appreciate what he does for them. If I were Papa in the story, I’d be really disappointed if my family wasn’t thankful for how much I would do for them. Most people should start thanking their parents for everything they do for them.

Many people are forced to leave their home. For some people they have minor issues and for others they have more severe things going on right now in their life. Everyone needs to be more thankful for what they have, and how much their parents do for them. Next time you go somewhere or your parents let you do something fun, make sure you thank them for all they do for you.

Deep Water

Imagine being pushed under the water when you don’t know how to swim. As you are going under, you’re running out of air and your body is starting to shake. Then you start to panic, and no one is there to save you. “Deep Water” by William Douglas tells readers about the very scary drowning experience of one young boy and how it has changed this boy forever.

Even though there are many causes of death, drowning is the second leading cause of death in children from ages one to fourteen. Drowning is when someone takes in so much water your lungs can’t transfer air to your blood. Sometimes people pass out due to these effects. Many children, who don’t know how to swim, drown. About three thousand, twenty four people in the US die every year due to drowning. Many kids take swim lessons because their parents want them to learn how to swim, so they don’t drown.

My parents feared child drowning so when I was younger I took swim lessons. I started when I was a baby, I started swimming lessons at that age, my mom had to go into the water with me. They started off with splashing, then floating on your back, and gradually moved on from there. Then my mom and dad wanted me to continue until third grade. Now, swimming is fun and I have no fear of water. Thanks to my parents for getting me in swim lessons when I was younger, because if I didn’t have swimming lessons, I might not be living today.

As I read “Deep Water”, another story came to my mind. “No Escape” which told a very similar tale. Both stories have people facing near death experiences. Ali Swaby from “No Escape” risked his own life to go back down into a flooded area to save his co-workers. That’s a very selfless thing of someone to do. Some people are so unbelievably kind; they put others before themselves all the time!

Many people have fears, some develop them when they’re kids and others get them at older ages. Sometimes fears increase and then develop into what is called a phobia. The young boy in “Deep Water” could have had a phobia of water, which is called aquaphobia. He might have had this phobia because he had a very serious fear of water, due to some near death experiences in water. Then, after he almost drowns, I’d assume that his fear of water would be even worse. People want to face their fears, but sometimes the outcome isn’t always the best.

When someone faces something so scary, there is always a chance that it will damage that person forever. “Deep Water” shows readers what a scary experience can do to someone. Make sure before you do something you are positive you’re okay with it, and you think about if what you’re doing could hurt the other person.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Patriotism is something that is very important. Patriotism is having love and loyalty to your country. There are many people who show patriotism for our country, like not doing bad things like crimes, but instead doing good things like helping others and their community.

Many people show patriotism in different ways. One way that people prove that they are patriots are by not doing any crimes. Another thing someone could do to be a patriot is be involved in your community, either volunteering or helping out with something. There are many good things that someone could do to for the community and that also benefits their country. Whether you are doing a lot of things for your country or you just making smart choices you could still be a patriot. Do you think you are a patriot?

What does patriotism mean to you? Well, to me it means doing good things for your country and making good choices with your life. John F. Kennedy once said “And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” Many people think that patriotism means many different things to every person. Even though there are many different opinions on what patriotism means they all essentially have to do with the same thing. Doing good things for your country, making smart choices and loving your home place.

By showing your patriotism you can make this country a better place. When you do good things, people see you doing greatness then they will follow your example. Like when children watch their parents and siblings. Everyone can show their patriotism whether you think you can or not. The simplest thing you could do is wear red, white, and blue on the Fourth of July. Show your patriotism, it will make the world a better place!